Accidental Certainty
Everything was different,
Just after the accident.
Forget the years of empty dark
For what bearing does our present have on yours now
We searched for you (endlessly)
Singing familiar songs and stories of truth
Hoping to inspire;
to catch a glimpse of hope
To find a ship lost at sea
The world you embraced and challenged from birth
is the same now,
but no longer your first
A door was opened and shut forever,
of this I am now certain
I’ve grown weary at wondering just who you’ve become
(gray-headed and numb)
Far-reaching winds of change, they come sweeping
At last, there is no resistance.
How ironically fitting then,
this passage
from your favorite poem, “The Wreckage” -
“The sea swallows whole
all those mistaken.
breaking hearts,
taking lives,
and everything inside.”